ISSN 2456–3781
An International Multidisciplinary Bi-annual Online Journal
About Us
NAVAJYOTI is an online, open access, peer reviewed, multidisciplinary research journal in English. It was started in the year 2016 by the postgraduate studies Centre of Jyoti Nivas College, Bangalore. Jyoti Nivas College Autonomous is a 5 decade old institution managed by the Sisters of St. Joseph of Tarbes and is ranked among the top colleges in India. The post-graduate studies programme began in1991 with MA English and has over time expanded to other disciplines like MCA, MBA, MSc. Organic Chemistry and M.Com Financial Analysis. The College has remained steadfast in its goal of providing high quality education for young women from India and abroad and in inculcating in its students and staff, a passion and mentality for research. This journal is an extension of this desire – to provide an opportunity for students, scholars, academics and researchers from across the world to publish their quality research efforts. And to ensure the quality level of the journal, we follow a zero tolerance of plagiarism policy. Papers, before being accepted, have to undergo a plagiarism review (with a plagiarism software) as well as double review by their peers in the field. Our review process is very strict and the papers not fulfilling the criteria will be rejected. However, once accepted, they will be published online either in the August or February issues of the journal. We hope to have the opportunity to publish the original research work being undertaken the world over.
Thank You
Dr. Sr. Lalitha Thomas, Principal,
Post-graduate Centre,
Jyoti Nivas College Autonomous
Contact Information
Jyoti Nivas College Autonomous
Post Graduate Centre
Hosur Road
Koramangala, Bangalore
Phone: +91(80) 2550 2143
Fax: +91(80) 2550 2143
E-mail: navajyotijnc@gmail.com